
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tourists- good or bad

Tourist –good or bad?

Tourism has become one of the most appreciated source of income for many countries of the world. Tourism is the fastest growing industry in this world because it is a very good of earning foreign currency.
Tourism has many advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of tourism include firstly that it provides direct employment for the people associated with occupations in bars, hotels, tour guides. This way the average standard of living of people increases well enough and leads to further lowering of dependency ratio. If there is high employment in a country then the country can concentrate on other aims and objectives like education, health care etc. Secondly, tourism provides indirect employment in terms of factory workers who help to produce goods and services in the economy to meet the increasing demands of the population an the tourists. Tourists also take with them, souvenirs which can be produced by people. Farmers are also encouraged to grow more food for the population.
Thirdly, tourism provides much needed foreign currency and foreign investment. The economy of third world country can boom through this and the population benefits through this.
Lastly, the country has more money so can improve its infrastructure which is a benefit for the local people. For example, roads and communication links built for the easiness of tourists can benefit the local residents of the area as they can have an easy access to the links. This improvement in the infrastructure of the country also adds to its assets and therefore in the long-term the government does not have to spend on infrastructure and can concentrate on other areas of need.
In spite of the advantages of tourism, there can be many disadvantages too as there are always two sides of everything. First of all, tourists cause pollution and can damage the environment e.g. visual and noise pollution from increased buildings. This may serve negatively as increased...

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